Si tiene un(a) hijo/hija que tiene menos que tres años y habla español, participamos en el programa de Intervención Temprana!
If you have a child under 3 that speaks Spanish, we participate in Early Intervention programs!
Early Intervention Therapy at CTSC
The term “early intervention" is important because research shows that the first three years are the most important time for learning in a child's life. Early Intervention (EI) therapy is the process of providing services and support to children (birth - 3 yrs old) their families when a child has, or is at risk for, a developmental delay, disability, or health condition that may affect typical development and learning. Children learn best through everyday experiences and routines in places they know therefore, all EI services are provided in the comfort of your home.
EI therapy is available in every state, including Colorado, and is funded by Federal grants provided by Part C of IDEA. This means if your child qualifies for services due to a delay in development, diagnosis or medical condition, numerous supports are available such as Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Developmental Intervention and Family Resources at no cost to the family.
CTSC has close relationships with all of the State Agencies (CCB’s) that initiate and coordinate Early Intervention services. During the initial phone consultation, if it is determined that your child could be eligible for EI services, we will help you get in contact with the correct Resource Coordinator for the CCB in your home area. All CTSC Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Behavioral Therapists provide EI services and can work with your child during the Early Intervention period (birth - 3 yrs).
Play is the most essential occupation of childhood and it’s a natural medium for achieving goals and prompting kids to work toward goals that might be lofty or hard to achieve.
All of the treatment models used by our therapists are considered Evidence Based Best Practice treatments by the US Surgeon General and by the American Medical Association.
Our therapists use positive reinforcement during sessions to motivate and make therapy fun! When a task or command is completed appropriately the action is followed by something valued, that positive moment is now more likely to be repeated.
We understand that there will be times when a family is not able to have therapy in the home for any number of reasons, like sickness or a schedule conflict. In these moments, know that CTSC providers have the ability to conduct therapy sessions online using a computer or smartphone connection at your convince.
Areas of Expertise at CTSC
Physical skills (reaching, crawling, walking, drawing, building)
Cognitive skills (thinking, learning, solving problems)
Communication skills (talking, listening, understanding others)
Self-help or adaptive skills (eating, dressing, toileting)
Social or emotional skills (playing, sharing, interacting with others)
Feeding and Oral Motor
Lactation Consultation
SOFFi (preterm and medically fragile feeding)
Parent Education
CTSC EI Providers Have These Advanced Certifications & Skills→
DIR Floortime
Picture Exchange Systems (PECS)
Routine Based Intervention
SOS Feeding
Certified Lactation Consultant on staff
SOFFi (preterm and medically fragile feeding)
AAC / Assistive Technology
*CTSC is now partnering with Annie Close, from OWN Your Pelvic Health LLC, in order to provide specialized services in the area of pelvic health to our clients. Annie is an occupational therapist who specializes in pelvic floor therapy for children and is certified in Pediatric Bowel and Bladder Disorders. Common pediatric pelvic floor dysfunction includes potty training difficulties, constipation, bedwetting, urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic girdle pain, and more.
Our Process
step 01
Phone Consult
Complimentary phone consultations are designed to understand more about your child’s unique situation and determine if they would benefit from a comprehensive evaluation.

step 02
Your child will complete a comprehensive evaluation that involves standardized testing, questionnaire, observation and a thorough review of your case history with a caregiver or parent present.

step 03
Once the assessment is complete, we will go over findings and provide recommendations for on-going therapy and answer any questions you may have.

step 04
Treatment is designed to meet your child where they are at today and then follow a designed care plan to achieve the goals needed to “graduate” and complete therapy. Services can be provided in-home for Early Intervention clients or at our convenient Northglenn, CO office location for all others.

step 05
Progress Check Ups
We believe that regular communication regarding your child’s progress is important throughout the therapeutic process to keep everyone updated on progress and ensure carryover at home. Our therapists will provide a brief update on how the session went after each appointment and are always available via email or phone to discuss any questions you may have.

step 06
Graduate from Services
Once your child has mastered all of their therapy goals and they are functioning at their appropriate age level, your child will “Graduate” from services at CTSC and be discharged. Your child will have blossomed and they will move forward and thrive! We will always be available in the future for any concerns that may arise with your child - you are now part of the CTSC family.