Proveemos terapia de alimentación bilingüe!
We provide bilingual feeding therapy!
Pediatric Feeding Therapy at CTSC
Feeding therapy teaches infants and children not only to learn to eat, but learn to enjoy mealtime. Caregivers and infants are able to receive assistance with bottle feeding, breastfeeding, and transitions to purees/table foods. Additionally, children with limited diets benefit from therapy to expand the number of foods they are comfortable eating and build their confidence in trying new foods. At CTSC we utilize oral motor, sensory modulation, and behavioral techniques to assist children in exploration and consumption of food. If mealtime has become stressful for you or your child, it is possible that your child may benefit from feeding therapy.
We will help your child overcome feeding challenges and reduce mealtime stress in your home. Nutrition improves, and the child develops a pattern of consuming enough healthy calories for optimal growth and development. The family develops a better understanding of the feeding issues, leading to happier mealtimes and healthier relationships between family members and eating.
All of the treatment models used by our therapists are considered Evidence Based Best Practice treatments by the US Surgeon General and by the American Medical Association. Our specialized feeding therapists have advanced training to treat children who need care for complex feeding concerns.
Our therapists use positive reinforcement during sessions to motivate and make therapy fun! Children are encouraged to explore tastes, textures and smells in a safe, welcoming, fun and stress-free environment. As a result, the child develops the appropriate skills and sustained interest for eating and drinking a wide range of age-appropriate foods.
We understand that there will be times when a family can’t make it to our Northglenn, CO office for treatment due to any number of life events. In these moments, know that our Feeding Therapy Team has the ability to provide virtual Telehealth sessions from the comfort your home.
Areas of Expertise at CTSC
Determining readiness for eating solids
Difficulties with breast or bottle feeding
Difficulties with self-feeding (i.e. using utensils)
Avoidance or defensiveness to food texture, color, smell or taste
Feeding problems associated with oral motor delays
Feeding problems associated with structural abnormalities (i.e. cleft lip and/or palate, laryngomalacia, tongue tie, etc)
Feeding problems associated with behavioral factors (i.e. food refusal)
Feeding problems associated with genetic syndromes, neurological disorders, or neuromuscular coordination (ie. down syndrome, cerebral palsy)
CTSC Providers Have These Advanced Certifications & Skills→
SOS Approach To Feeding
SOFFI Method (medically fragile infants)
Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
Certified Lactation Counselor
Our Process
step 01
Phone Consult
Complimentary phone consultations are designed to understand more about your child’s unique situation and determine if they would benefit from a comprehensive evaluation.

step 02
Your child will complete a comprehensive evaluation that involves standardized testing, questionnaire, observation and a thorough review of your case history with a caregiver or parent present.

step 03
Once the assessment is complete, we will go over findings and provide recommendations for on-going therapy and answer any questions you may have.

step 04
Treatment is designed to meet your child where they are at today and then follow a designed care plan to achieve the goals needed to “graduate” and complete therapy. Services can be provided in-home for Early Intervention clients or at our convenient Northglenn, CO office location for all others.

step 05
Progress Check Ups
We believe that regular communication regarding your child’s progress is important throughout the therapeutic process to keep everyone updated on progress and ensure carryover at home. Our therapists will provide a brief update on how the session went after each appointment and are always available via email or phone to discuss any questions you may have.

step 06
Graduate from Services
Once your child has mastered all of their therapy goals and they are functioning at their appropriate age level, your child will “Graduate” from services at CTSC and be discharged. Your child will have blossomed and they will move forward and thrive! We will always be available in the future for any concerns that may arise with your child - you are now part of the CTSC family.