Co-Founder & CEO, M.A., ECSE

Tisa knew from a young age that she wanted to help children facing difficult life challenges. This desire to make a difference in the lives of young people prompted her to follow her calling by way of an undergraduate and graduate education focused on early childhood special education as well as completing advanced graduate studies in applied behavior analysis (behavioral therapy). As Tisa’s professional career wound its way through various chapters she assumed varied roles and responsibilities such as resource coordinator, parent educator, family advocate, graduate program supervisor, early childhood therapist and transdisciplinary team lead. This diverse professional background served as the backbone for Tisa to advance her expertise and reputation as a leader in the field of early childhood development and soon, her skills were called upon to begin to mentor others with similar aspirations and with this, Tisa found herself pulled by a second calling… to form a pediatric therapy company. 

Children’s Therapy Services of Colorado was founded in 2006 with Tisa’s simple vision of providing a platform from which exceptional therapists of various disciplines could come together and grow professionally through mutual support as well as deliver unmatched quality of care through a transdisciplinary model to serve children with unique developmental challenges. Through the years, Tisa’s vision for Children’s Therapy Services of Colorado continues to evolve and new ideas to build on the success of the company take shape. One constant remains since the beginning, Tisa leads with her heart and it is her love and passion for others that will always guide her mission to provide the best therapeutic care possible for children and families in the community.  

When not serving the needs of others, Tisa can be found at home in Arvada, Colorado with her husband and two children. A social and active person by nature, Tisa enjoys spending time with friends and family embracing life; dancing, laughing, and traveling whenever and wherever the next adventure takes her.